FIFA 14 Database Updates Season 2020/2021. This is the new update database for FIFA 14 PC version. With this FIFA 14 squads update you will get the latest transfers and latest formations for your teams.Backup your original db first! Outlast 2 1.Go to Link 2.Download it.
Game or Patch Questions? Visit FileForums |
Backup Protected CDs CD/DVD Protections NewBie Hints |
System Language Protection CD Cover | : PC : : SecuROM v8 (EA-DRM) (Retail DVD) Origin (EA-DRM) (Digital Download) : Cover Target |
Game Fixes: | Game Trainers & Unlockers: | Game Tools: |
- v1.0 = v1.2.0.0
- v1.1 = v1.3.0.0 = Update #1
- v1.2 = v1.4.0.0 = Update #2
- v1.3 = v1.7.0.0 = Update #3
- FIFA 14 DVD9 - 2xDVD5 *INNO* [ENG LANG] - Done by Razor12911.
- FIFA 08 / FIFA Soccer 08
- FIFA 09 / FIFA Soccer 09
- FIFA 10 / FIFA Soccer 10
- FIFA 11 / FIFA Soccer 11
- FIFA 12 / FIFA Soccer 12
- FIFA 13 / FIFA Soccer 13
- FIFA 14 / FIFA Soccer 14
- FIFA 15 / FIFA Soccer 15
- FIFA 16 / FIFA Soccer 16
- FIFA 17 / FIFA Soccer 17
- FIFA 18 / FIFA Soccer 18
- FIFA 19 / FIFA Soccer 19
- FIFA 20 / FIFA Soccer 20
Backup & Installation Notes |
- Always make a backup of the files that are overwritten by the File Archive, as the original files are usually required to update the game to a newer version or to play Online!
- Some No-CD/Fixed EXE files work fine in Single Player mode but are detected to be modified when trying to play online. When this happens use the original EXE to play online, else you could find yourself banned from the game!
- When using Fixed Files make sure to use a Firewall which controls outgoing traffic, as some games call back to report the use of these modified files!
- Some original games do not work when a certain application has been installed, like DAEMON Tools. In most cases using a No-CD or Fixed EXE will solve this problem!
- Some Game Trainers are sometimes reported to be a Virus or Trojan, the most common is a keylogger called HotKeysHook or the file has been packed/protected with VMProtect or Themida and is recognized as Win32/Packed.VMProtect or Win32/Packed.Themida. In ALL cases this is a FALSE ALARM as NONE of the Game Trainers @ GCW contain known malicious code! More info in the PC Games FAQ!
- If you have problems using a trainer in combination with Windows Vista, 7, 8 or 10 then make sure to run the trainer with Administrator rights and when needed in Windows XP or Windows 98 compatibility mode!
- ALL available trainers are for Single Player/Offline use ONLY! Don't try to use them online else your account can/will be banned/closed!
FIFA 14 v1.2.0.0 - v1.7.0.0 +46 TRAINER | 26-07-2014 | XiaoXing |
FIFA 14 v1.2.0.0 - v1.7.0.0 +2 TRAINER | 08-06-2014 | MT-X |
File Archive [52.1 MB] - Origin Version- MegaTrainer eXperience - Updated |
FIFA 14 v1.3.0.0 +18 TRAINER | 11-11-2013 | Delta10FY |
File Archive [4.2 MB] - v5 - Act.3 - SPANISH Text |
FIFA 14 v1.3.0.0 +9 TRAINER | 08-11-2013 | Delta10FY |
File Archive [3.9 MB] - v5 - Act.2 - ENGLISH Text |
FIFA 14 v1.2.0.0 [MULTI] Fixed Files #2 | 04-11-2013 | 3DM |
File Archive [34.8 MB] - Final v2 - Updated |
FIFA 14 FILE LOADER v1.0.3.3 | 27-10-2013 | Jenkey1002 |
FIFA 14 v1.2.0.0 Fix v4 + Update 1 +9 TRAINER | 27-10-2013 | Delta10FY |
File Archive [3.6 MB] - ENGLISH Text | File Archive [3.8 MB] - SPANISH Text |
FIFA 14 v1.2.0.0 +9 TRAINER | 27-10-2013 | Delta10FY |
File Archive [3.8 MB] - ENGLISH Text | File Archive [4.0 MB] - SPANISH Text |
FIFA 14 v1.2.0.0 +46 TRAINER | 27-10-2013 | XiaoXing |
FIFA 14 v1.2.0.0 +7 TRAINER | 17-10-2013 | NahDu0 |
FIFA 14 v1.2.0.0 [MULTI] Fixed Files #1 | 15-10-2013 | 3DM |
File Archive [27.8 MB] - v3 - Updated |
FIFA 14 FILE EXPLORER v1.0.3.0 | 12-10-2013 | Jenkey1002 |
FIFA 14 v1.2.0.0 +2 TRAINER | 10-10-2013 | NahDu0 |
DEMO EXPANDER v2.0'>FIFA 14 <DEMO> DEMO EXPANDER v2.0 | 15-09-2013 | Hrvoje |
File Archive [22.5 MB] - Requires VisualBasic 6.0 Runtime - Updated |
FILE LOADER v1.01 Beta'>FIFA 14 <DEMO> FILE LOADER v1.01 Beta | 11-09-2013 | Jenkey1002 |
[GERMAN] Fixed Files'>FIFA 14 <DEMO> [GERMAN] Fixed Files | 10-09-2013 | IceCold |
[MULTI] Fixed Files'>FIFA 14 <DEMO> [MULTI] Fixed Files | 10-09-2013 | 3DM |
Game Index [A-E] - [F-M] - [N-S] - [T-Z] |
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FIFA 14 FULL + CRACK available before the release!

FIFA 14 already available before the release! The game is charged with our lancher. The game after the installation of our lancher not require crack and if necessary, updated to the latest version. Moreover, thanks to our lancherowi will be able to play in our network.
Below we give the link to the crack

The gameplay in FIFA 14 is based on the solutions of earlier views of the cycle, although his custom developers also tempted by a number of innovations designed to improve the attractiveness of virtual struggle on the football field. Seriously, has been changed, eg ball physics so futbolówkę behaves more realistically and predictably. The completely remodeling the system of passing shots. Players – if they have opportunity to do so – adjusting step, the speed and angle of approach into the ball to give the best shot towards the goal of opponents.

In FIFA 14 players also gained greater control over the construction of the stock and the game in the middle, allowing you to dictate the pace of the match. In addition, developers have introduced such improvements as increased intelligence teammates, the ability to overclock passes and dribbling on the run and a wider repertoire of plays on defense.
Fifa 14 V1.4.0.0 Crack Version

Fifa 14 V1.4.0.0 Crack Torrent